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Our Proven Results
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Students improve their marks by 30%+ in less than ten weeks.
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Students improve their confidence in less than two weeks.
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Teachers have 97+ ATARs with 1+ years of experience.
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Teachers have 94+ and 92+ marks in HSC extension 1 & 2 maths.
Jake’s 38%+ Journey
"I achieved an 86% in my math yearly exam, securing a perfect 24/24 in the algebra section, all thanks to the invaluable support from RU Education and Eiliya's exceptional tutoring. When I started, my math knowledge was limited, but under Eiliya's guidance, I've not only gained proficiency but also transformed into a math whiz. If it were possible, I would gladly give RU Education even more stars for their outstanding contribution to my success."
Jake V, Y9 Student
1 Week Trial Offer
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Mountain theory booklets which include homework, quizzes, boosters and a topic test.
Online learning with experienced teachers in small masterclasses of up to 4 students.
24/7 student Q&A hotline for instant, detailed explanations at your fingertips.
Personalised study plans that combine study and exam skills to boost your marks and save time.
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Boost marks starting from $35 per hour.
Mountain NESA Theory Booklets
13.5 - 18 hours of Online Learning
Taught by Experienced Mentors
Maximum of 4 Students per Class
Homework, Quizzes, and Boosters
Topic Test under Exam Conditions
24/7 Student Q&A Email Hotline
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Personalised Study Plans
RU+ Videos
Mountain NESA Theory Booklets
Every Resource on Demand
Taught by Experienced Mentors
Homework, Quizzes, and Boosters
Topic Test under Exam Conditions
24/7 Student Q&A Email Hotline
Step-by-Step Video Lessons